Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance
Abuse Counselor Training Program (CASAC)
Call Elizabeth at (845) 341-4993 | Email: CASAC@sunyorange.edu
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Program Overview - Credentialed Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Counselor Training
Orange County Community College is an approved training provider of the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS). CASAC is a comprehensive training program meeting the established minimum 350 clock-hour standardized education requirement for individuals who wish to become a Credentialed Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Counselor.
Regulations specify that a minimum total of 350 education/training clock hours must be acquired in four categories of course work including:
- Knowledge of alcoholism and substance abuse, including tobacco use & nicotine dependence (85 hours)
- Alcoholism & substance abuse counseling, including cultural competence (150 hours)
- Assessment, clinical evaluation, treatment planning, case management and patient/family/community education (70 hours)
- Professional & ethical responsibilities & documentation, including ethics for addiction professionals & Child Abuse and Maltreatment Mandated Reporting (45 hours)
Upon completion of all required education hours, students may apply to OASAS to be considered for a CASAC Trainee (CASAC-T) certificate. For more information on becoming a CASAC go to:
Our program consists of three modules/terms, each comprised of individual OASAS approved courses. Courses begin several times throughout the year allowing new students to begin the program, and complete the required classroom education, within 9 to 12 months from time of entry.
In order to receive a Continuing Education Certificate for the entire CASAC program, an English placement test is required; and students may need to take English courses based on assessment results. Proof of high school diploma or equivalent is required.
Individuals with a previous history of alcohol/substance abuse problems should have at least one full year of sobriety before enrolling in the CASAC Training Program. Students attending classes under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to the disciplinary measures specified under the Orange County Community College Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the drug and alcohol policies will lead to disciplinary proceedings and possible dismissal.
Students who are not able to begin the full module when it begins may register for individual courses which begin each month. For more information please call Elizabeth at (845) 341-4993.
Module I
Overview & Diversity of Treatment Approaches
Alcoholism Primer
Addictions Professional
Psychoactive Drugs
Perspectives of Chemical/Alcohol Dependency
Experiential Workgroup I
Module II
Human Growth & Development
Counseling Skills
Experiential Workgroup II
Relapse Prevention
AIDS, Communicable Diseases
Vocational Education
Special Population Group Counseling
Module III
Community Ed. Programs
Counselor-Client Relationship
Ethics of Professional Practice
Assessment & Evaluation
Treatment Planning & Case Management
Written Documentation
Fast Track Day Program
Complete all required classroom hours (all 3 modules) within 9 months! Classes meet 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. Fast Track Day Program begins in the Fall semester. SUNY Orange shuttle bus transportation is available between the Newburgh and Middletown campuses for day program students. $3,750 tuition. Call Elizabeth at (845) 341-4993 for more information.
Traditional Evening Program
Classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. Module I begins in the Fall semester, Module II begins in the Spring semester, and Module III begins in the late Spring semester. Modules do not need to be taken in order and it is possible to join the evening program at the start of any individual course.
Want to attend modules or classes at a slower pace? Call us to customize a day and/or evening schedule that works for you!
Attendance and participation is required in all sessions in order to receive a certificate of completion. Students who do not complete all hours within each topic due to absence(s) may make-up the absence when the topic is offered again or may elect to attend personal make-up instruction at an additional cost. Classes cancelled due to the College closing in the event of inclement weather, in most cases, will be made up on the Friday or Saturday of the following week. For more information call (845) 341-4993.
Payment Plan & Text Book Information
Students attending non-credit courses that meet for over a 3 month or more period of time may be eligible for an in-house payment plan. Call Elizabeth at 845-341-4993 for more information. Textbook is required -- please call 845-341-4993 for book information.
"Employment as a Credentialed Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Counselor will grow as more people become comfortable with seeking professional help for a variety of health, personal, and family problems." - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Are you already a CASAC?
Ask about the CASAC-G Problem Gambling Specialty Designation to your credential by taking our 60-hour Problem Gambling Specialty Credntial Program for CASACs in good standing.
Contact Us
Call Elizabeth at (845) 341-4993
Email CASAC@sunyorange.edu
350 hours to be completed within 9 to 12 months from time of entry; program consists of three modules/terms
SUNY Orange is an approved training provider of the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)
Upon completion of all required education hours, students may apply to OASAS to be considered for a CASAC Trainee (CASAC-T) certificate
Combine your caring nature with the skills
to help others overcome dependencies toward recovery
Classes are currently being offered online